Shades Of Our Past, LLC

Lee Ann Rose founded SHADES OF OUR PAST, LLC in 2014 and was later
joined by her husband Bill. Between
them, they have interpreted American History for more than fifty years.
Lee Ann has extensive experience in all facets of stage presentation combined with 20 years of creating programming as a Theatrical Interpreter and Character Interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg.
Bill served as a Seabee in the United States Navy Reserves and has 30 years experience as an interpreter at Colonial Williamsburg as a Military History Interpreter and Character Interpreter.
Due to their love of American History, they have expanded their horizons to include all four centuries of our nations past. And in 2024 we are expanding with two new employees in adding PowerPoint lectures and walking tours.
Shades of Our Past also feels it is good to give back to our community so Bill and Lee Ann are seen donating their time for Heritage Humane Society as well as being one of the Sponsors for the 2022 Yorktown Victory Race.